Have You Heard? … The Web is Dying!

The Smart Phone is the new King
and the Web as you know it is dying.
Our email boxes are full and
more time each day is spent treading water
to keep our heads above the flood.

Technology is evolving and
the wave is turning towards the new shore - Smart Phone Apps.

It's like you put a living business card on their phones and in their pockets,
and ... you don't have to imagine it because
it is available NOW –
customized just for you.

Featuring tabs on you, your staff,
your products and services,
your hours and location(s),
your special offers and events,
menus and food ordering systems,
image galleries and music players,
Facebook and Twitter links,
YouTube Channels, and
a Shopping Cart.

But wait, you get all this and something even better…. PUSH notifications.
Every phone with your FREE downloaded APP can instantly “light up” with your message whenever you send it.

This is…
at the speed of sight™

The App of You
Your Business, Church, School or Organization
on their phone,
in their pocket,
under their thumb and

Your customers will be able to go to the Apple App Store or Android Market (now called Google Play) and download your FREE Custom Quick Mobile App!

Welcome to Quick Mobile Apps

Things your customized app will do for your business:

One Touch Calling

Give your customers one touch calling from inside your app. No numbers to save or remember.

Tell-A-Friend Feature

Let your customers take your business viral with built in sharing capabilities over email, Facebook, SMS, and Twitter.

Business Information

Integrate any sort of information you'd like about your business. Whether it's your food menu or services.

Event Listings Feature

Include all of your businesses events inside of your application. Keep customers informed on the go.

Multiple Ways To Contact

Give customers multiple ways to contact your business. Phone, website, email, and directions to your business.

Email Photo Feature

Allow customers to take a photo or send an existing photo and email it directly to your business.

Native Image Gallery

Display images of your business in a beautiful image gallery specifically optimized for the iPhone and Android.

Fan Wall Feature

Set up a fan wall for your customers to leave feedback on your business. Manage the comments online.

Push Notifications

Send messages to your customers whenever you'd like using our easy to use content management system.

GPS Coupons Feature

Create mobile coupons for your customers to unlock by "checking in" at your business.

Mailing List Feature

Stay in contact with your customers by gathering names and email addresses directly inside your application.

Points Of Interest Feature

Create an app function that displays any points of interest on a map and categorize them however you'd like.

GPS Directions

Give your customers turn-by-turn GPS directions to your business from anywhere in the world.

Tip Calculator Feature

Include a tip calculator inside your app to help customers quickly calculate a tip amount for a dinner party.

QR Coupons Feature

Create QR enabled coupons for your customers to redeem at your business by scanning a specified QR code.

Blog Integration

Include a blog by integrating your RSS feed to allow your users to quickly and easily read your blog posts.

Facebook Integration

Integrate your Facebook page to connect with your customers through their favorite social media sites.

Twitter Integration

Integrate your Twitter page to connect with your customers through their favorite social media sites.

YouTube Integration

Easily display hundreds of videos from your YouTube channel beautifully inside of your mobile apps.

Shopping Cart Feature

Looking to create a mobile store? Easily add and sell items through your mobile app via PayPal or Google Check Out.

Notepad Feature

The notepad feature allows users to record text notes and email them to anyone at anytime.

Voice Recorder Feature

The notepad feature allows users to record voice notes and email them to anyone at anytime.

Available on iPhone, iPad, Android

Call 800-541-4449 or email visualodsy@aol.com to get a quote on an app for your business. Your customers will be able to download it FREE from the App Store or Android Market (now called Google Play).

Extremely affordable way to brand yourself and increase income.


© 2012 Visual Odyssey